"In the year 2013, Major Gunnar Neiguffson of the Royal Canadian Air Force headed one of the most creative and in many ways most
controversial Public Affairs programs in RCAF history – the
Icons of Canadian Culture Tail Art Program, known by supporters and detractors alike as the
“Celebritail” program." *
"At bases from Greenwood, Nova Scotia to Yellowknife, Northwest Territory
to Comox, British Columbia, nearly 50 aircraft of all types, both fixed
wing and rotary, were painted with portraits of some of Canada's most
iconic individuals. The program was received with much curiosity, wide
acceptance by aircrews and the average man on the street, but was also
ridiculed by special interest groups. Feminists were angered when Pamela Anderson was chosen for the honor but not Roberta Bondar." *
"By the end of 2013, all aircraft in the RCAF inventory were to carry the
image and story of a great Canadian cultural icon on its tail. It was an
ambitious program, but then again, Major Neiguffson was an ambitious air
force officer. Is it culturally significant? Is it art? We'll let you be
the judge." *
* Adapted from "Tails of Glory", by D. H. Yellamo (
1), Vintage Wings of Canada
For the complete article and photo work by Dave O'Malley
Real life photo work by Dave O'Malley used on this entry with permission.
Yellamo is O'Malley spelled backwards!
Click images to enlarge!
Celebritail program: CF-188A Hornettes 937 and 762 escorting the Airbus Polaris "Shatner", April 1, 2013. |
This is a belated April Fools, Easter Egg limited edition livery!
Intended as an April Fools prank, this livery has been in the back burner for a few years, but I finally decided to release it as a Limited Edition. Fourteen units were made, twelve of which are to be sold in world only. Even if I have the real life author's permission to execute this livery, the use of Pamela Anderson would cause obvious problems in Second Life's market place. According to Dave O'Malley, the author of this design used as part of a very elaborate April Fools prank (
see here!), there were no objections raised by the celebrities used in the tail art designs for this excellent article.
Here is Dave's reaction to my request, complete with images of this project, to place his design on a virtual aircraft model that would carry it in the skies of Second Life:
On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 11:48 AM Dave O'Malley <domalley@aerographics.ca> wrote:
That’s fantastic Asra. Love what you have done, so please proceed with my blessing.
Dave O’Malley (spelled backwards is Evad Yellamo — the author).
I would like to include it in the story so if you can send me some
screen captures, that would be great! I will credit and link to your
game for sure.
A year ago, for various reasons, I shelved the project. Maybe because the current real life situation the world faces (Covid-19) I decided to release it this year. We can all use a smile on our faces. So hang in there, stay home, wash your hands lots and be careful. And if you are one of the twelve lucky ones who got this limited edition in time, go have some fun. You can always tell those who see you in the "Hornette" that it's a RCAF 2013 real life replica... Just make sure you wink when you do.
This LIMITED EDITION is only available in world at 8SB Main Store (SLUR here!) and at Shana Carpool's Main Store (SLUR here!). Twelve units only!
I am sending a link to this entry to Dave O'Malley. If he decides to use it as a complement to his April Fools "Tails of Glory" post I will re-link it here!
Enjoy your RCAF CF-188 Hornette! If you found one.